Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Gonzo Journalism Essay

        Hunter S. Thompson's article about the 1970 Kentucky Derby couldn't be farther from a regular journalist report in the sense it really has nothing to do with the results of the actual race. The article by Hunter S. Thompson is about his experience and view of the Kentucky Derby from his stand point. In the original 1970 Kentucky Derby recap, the writer is giving pure facts and details about the race going on about each horse and their performances. This is all also done from a third person perspective, which is by far the normal when it comes to journalism. When Thompson talks about the Kentucky Derby he goes on to tell a story about a conversation with a bartender, his experience there, how the people are at these events, and his view of the race from the small box he is in right in the center of the track. When Thompson shows every characteristic of Gonzo Journalism in this piece. To begin with it is all written in first person from his own perspective and actually involves conversations he had. Also he shows a lot of personality, which most journalist do not do since they are just reporting facts. When he talks to the bartender he is giving details about his personality and the bartenders through there odd conversation. The use of profanity is also a common theme among Gonzo Journalism. Thompson couldn't have nailed that one on the head any better with his extensive use of profanity in the article. Lastly Hunter S. Thompson makes great use of exaggeration and humor in his piece giving it some comic relief, adding on another key difference between Gonzo and regular journalism.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Definition of absurd: Ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous.

Something in life that I find truly absurd is social injustice. For example: disproportionate wealth distribution, prejudice, discrimination, oppression, homophobia, racism, sexism, stereotyping, etc.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Active reading notes, Chapter 2

 1) How is this man Billy Pilgrim traveling through time, within his own life experiences, but without his control?

2) Why does the narrator repeatedly say 'so it goes' after giving information about Billy Pilgrim and other characters?

3) Who are these Tralfamadore's and why did they put Billy in a zoo if they are supposedly friendly creatures?

4) What is the relevance of the phrase "so it goes"?

5) What made Billy suddenly go to New York one day and then continue to devote his cause to informing people about the Tralfamadorians?

6) Weary seems to be a very odd character, being obsessed with torture and carrying every item he has ever received including a dirty photo

7) What sparked Billy becoming 'unstuck in time' while he was in a war zone?

8) Is Billy's mother saying "how did I get so old" a representation that she also was unstuck in time and confused about how she had come to become old so quickly?

9) Why does Weary care so much about helping out Billy? Enough to let two of the 'three muskateers' ditch him.

10) How was Billy able to make a speech and remember he had taken a speech course if he was just jumping through time and didn't experience all the events up until the speech?

SCHLACHTHOF EINS (Slaughterhouse One)

Active reading notes on Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut

Chapter 1

1) What does the narrator mean when he says "there must have been a ton of human bone meal beneath the ground?

2) Interesting how the narrator directly talks about the writing of the book. i.e. " I would hate to tell you what this lousy little book cost me in money and anxiety and time."

3) What does the limerick and song he remembers mean? What do they have to do with him writing his book?

4) What does Eheu, fugaces labuntur anni(Alas, the fleeting years slip) mean?

5) Confusing how the narrator brings up the limerick and song saying my name is Yon Yonson more than once. Also being out of context when he does.

6) What's the meaning of the paragraph in about Dresden written in German?

7) What book is he referring to writing if it's not Slaughterhouse Five

8) What is the relevance of the text he reads from the Gideon Bible?

9) The chapter comes together at the end stating (and also answering some of my own questions from above) but none the less leaves you wondering if the first chapter was just an introduction of the author himself and a background to the book

10) What is the relevance of the birds saying 'Poo-Tee-Weet' that he claims is how the book will end?

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Wednesday's presentation wasn't new to me because I had seen it before last year. Although there were many things I did still gain from it due to the fact my current situation is different than last year, especially in the respects of maturity. Last year I remember wanting to join the military but it was more out of not knowing what I really want to do after high school. This time around I am more interested in college, although a few years at a is going to be required before that can happen. I am not looking at any certain campuses right now because I know attending a university is a few years away, although I do know I would want to stay in California. Some fields I am interested  in pursuing in college are English, journalism, graphic design or media arts. There are a number of challenges that I see in the future that will be in the process of making this happen for me. One of them is the most common challenge people face which is not being able to afford college. I will have to work out something with financial aid throughout the college process to work through this challenge. Also I will have to do very good in Jr. college considering my high school grades are not the most desirable to any college. I do not think this will be a very hard problem once I get to Jr. college because I do not believe my high school grades truly reflect me in any way.


I am an acclaimed author

I am a Nobel Prize winner

I am a drunk, but do not drink when I write

I am a ladies man

I am an experimental writer

Monday, March 4, 2013


Chronic - Constant or habitual. Joe seemed to have a problem of being a chronic liar.

Sentiment - an attitude, thought, or judgment prompted by feeling. Sometimes me and my friends share the same sentiment about things.

Morality  - Conformity to the rules of right conduct; moral or virtuous conduct. Sandra questioned her morality when considering to get an abortion.

Remorse - Deep and painful regret for wrongdoing; compunction. Aldous Huxley felt writer's remorse many year after writing his book "Brave New World'

Defect - A fault or imperfection. The man was enraged because his new TV set came with a defective remote controller.

Acquaintance - A person known to one, but usually not a close friend. Eric was not yet and acquaintance with Rachel, which is why he kept asking me to introduce him.

Sanity - The state of being sane; mental soundness. It was clear that after returning from war Patrick had lost a bit of his sanity.

Implication - Something implied or suggested as naturally to be inferred or understood. John asked Hailey if she was free Friday night with the implication he would like to do something with her.

Alternative - One of the things, propositions, or courses that can be chosen. To reduce pollution we should find alternative sources of fuel and energy

Savage - Uncivilized; barbaric. Cowboys believed Native American Indians were nothing but savages.

Phenomenon - Something that is impressive or extraordinary. A red tide is a natural phenomenon that kills see life.


1. William Faulkner never graduated from high school or college, yet won the Nobel Prize For Literature, two Pulitzer prizes, and the Nation Book Award, twice.

2.Faulkner tried to join the U.S. Army but was denied because he was too short, he later joined the British Royal Air Force but never saw action in World war I.

3. His work has widely been appreciated for its experimental manner, contemporary themes and the use of stream of consciousness technique.

4. Surprisingly, Faulkner wasn't very well known until after he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1949 even though some of his most famous works were produced around the 1930's.

5. He supported himself by working as a postmaster for the University of Mississippi, but was fired for reading on the job.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Spring post 1: music as literature

I think music can be considered literature if it has lyrics. Literature is defined as all written works or books and I think lyrics can be considered a piece of literature work. A novel is much different than luther in music because it tells a much longer and complex story. A poem is a short written work that rhymes. Some rap may be considered literature me me if it has genuine lyrical content unlike most of the rap you hear on the radio today. I'm not sure if I would consider an opera or symphony literature because there are no lyrics or words only music.