Thursday, March 7, 2013


Wednesday's presentation wasn't new to me because I had seen it before last year. Although there were many things I did still gain from it due to the fact my current situation is different than last year, especially in the respects of maturity. Last year I remember wanting to join the military but it was more out of not knowing what I really want to do after high school. This time around I am more interested in college, although a few years at a is going to be required before that can happen. I am not looking at any certain campuses right now because I know attending a university is a few years away, although I do know I would want to stay in California. Some fields I am interested  in pursuing in college are English, journalism, graphic design or media arts. There are a number of challenges that I see in the future that will be in the process of making this happen for me. One of them is the most common challenge people face which is not being able to afford college. I will have to work out something with financial aid throughout the college process to work through this challenge. Also I will have to do very good in Jr. college considering my high school grades are not the most desirable to any college. I do not think this will be a very hard problem once I get to Jr. college because I do not believe my high school grades truly reflect me in any way.

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